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How can an Updated Event Marketing List boost your ROI


Update your Event Marketing List and Boost ROI
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Keep audience conversation going even after the event
  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Learn more about the market and the competition
  • More event attendees
  • Generate more revenue

I guess these are some of your goals when hosting an event. After goal setting and thorough planning, I usually send out email invites and assign someone from my team to call and confirm if the contacts in my marketing list are interested to attend or not. 

Whether you decide to send out email invites first or have someone call and invite them personally, it is important to deliver your message across and let your audience aware of your event. 

But how do I make sure that my goals are met? By making sure I have an updated marketing list of my target prospects to invite to. An updated list has a complete information such as email address, name, number and company information (company name and address).

In case you’re wondering why I choose to focus on my marketing list, let me tell you why. With an updated marketing list you can;

  • Email reach prospects directly. Here are the The Timeless Email Marketing Tips in Promoting Industry Events. 
  • Have a more targeted list to contact. You can call those who; expressed interest to attend the event and confirm their availability, failed to reply invite them personally; remove those who wishes not to attend. 
  • Have people who responded to an email are more likely interested to attend and would want to know more about your product or service.

Related: 10 Obvious Reasons Why you Need an Email List

  • Keep in touch with your target audience even after the event.

List is everything! Having the right list plays an important role in the success of your event. Letting your audience know about the event, having more attendees, increase brand awareness means more revenue for your business.

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